Sunday, June 21, 2009

I Am Alive?

Before the G R yesterday, a team of the Rawang health personnel came to give us a simple medical check-up. The results were quite expected when the teachers were above 35 years old.

I was not spared the 'border-line' results. That is to say 'not yet there, but must take precaution before I reach anywhere near the border'......

I must be lucky.

But my driving experience was lousy today. I went to visit a friend in Setapak and when I tried to venture the DUKE route in my journey back home, a really terrible incident really made me start sw@#$%^ at the lorry (or rather, trailer) driver who had almost cost me my life ,if not my limbs!

The driver had almost squeezed me with his long, heavy trailer......much to the horror of the other drivers that after that they were too afraid to drive alongside that trailer when they were passing through the two-lane-bridges.

My other half (who thought he could just rest beside me in the car) was stunned too - but God has let us survive that unforgettable nightmare and I guess I owe it so much to God that I want to be a better person / driver after this........ I will, I tell you, I will!

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