Saturday, June 27, 2009

When You Like Someone

Chief Inspector Barnaby must be another detective that I 'must see' every week.

After several nights worrying over what to do next and how to make things better, on every Friday and Saturday nights, I simply sit back and enjoy the investigation of murders which take place in England.

My choice of favourite tv show may equate the Discovery Channel that is a 'must see' for my other half. Well, talk about choices and preferences........... (even though I must admit that I quite like 90 per cent of this documentary).

What we like and how much we like something (or someone) is our personal choice. In fact, what we like so much today may not enjoy the same attention in 10 years time. Nevertheless, certain things are just so 'sweet' and we hold them very dear that the memories and other terms of endearment are almost impossible to be wiped out to the end of time.

Therefore, a kind gesture of appreciation should be shown NOW, before it's a day late and a dollar short.

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