Wednesday, October 22, 2008

You Are Special

Yesterday (21 October 2008), I was invited to sit with LChew Wei and LChoong Hon during their 'toilet' break or more commonly known as 'take 5'.

"Oh , what could be the reason?"

"We would like to tell you about our problems", LChew Wei started the conversation politely.

What transpired after that should not be disclosed in this blog (it was just the normal stuff) but the moral of the story is :

Students (and teenagers, in general) do have something to tell you, if you are willing to STOP and LISTEN. And this is what we call communication.

A few 'little' things are only made known to us at the 11th hour, but what has kept them from telling us earlier is a point to ponder.

Strangely, since 18 October 2008, I have received a number of messages from students whom I would have never expected to send me any messages at all. Some are bolder and they either confront me with the unsolved problems or they wish to pour their hearts out say how grateful they are....(I am referring to those who seldom talk to me before).

Why there is a surge of 'kind gestures' remains a mystery , even though a simple explanation would be the SPM which is fast approaching. It is a 'lovable nuisance' which every student in Malaysia is proud to reflect on, when they have left it behind them before they march into adulthood via colleges and universities.

I have no qualms about this whole confessions because I was a student too....only that I was rather secretive and my teachers hardly knew what was in my mind, only my English Language and BM teachers had the honour of knowing it, through my essays.........just like what you are experiencing now. Consider yourself special!

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