Sunday, June 15, 2008


Nothing much can be done when you spend most of your time in bed. Even when I tried to be more active, the energy simply dwindled off and I would again have to find my pillow.

My daughter has been quite a helper as she cooks lunch on both days over the weekend.

Since I have a lot of time to rest peacefully, I begin to wonder about what is going on out there. I know that my school is taking part in the NST Spelling Competition today . Just hope the students will be able to have a good time there and win the competition.

Teenagers love challenges and they are also easily bored. I always stress to my children that they must also learn to be humble. Time and again I remind them to respect other people, in return, they will be respected.

To me, it's ugly to be clever but at the same time you look down on other people. God tests us by giving us hardships. God also tests us by giving us a special gift - maybe in terms of good health, good looks, wealth or a good brain. God has given us 'brain' so that we can communicate and we can make decisions wisely. So, please use it wisely. Use it for the betterment of mankind.

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