Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sex Education Part 1


I am wondering if people are aware of the contents in one of the Year 4 Islamic Studies book? I thought I was wrong but by studying the topics and contents of the book, I have proven myself to be right, this time. The book is "Pelajaran Feqah- Tahun 4 - Sekolah Rendah Agama Negeri Selangor".

The first topic is on page 1 entitled "Mandi Wajib- Pengertian dan Sebab". There is a picture of a boy taking a bath. On the following pages are shown a boy with his father sitting and having a light conversation in their living room.

The boy asks his father " Bolehkah ayah ceritakan apa erti mandi wajib?". The father explains that it is taking a bath by using clean water (air mutlak) to cleanse the whole body and we must have 'Niat' or 'Intention' to perform the 'mandi wajib' for the Almighty.

The child asks the next question ," Bilakah masanya seseorang itu diwajibkan mandi (wajib)?"
The father answers, "Apabila kel
uar mani, bersetubuh, haidh dan nifas".

The next question by the child is," Selain daripada itu ada lagikah , ayah?"
The father answers, " Ada, iaitu wiladah dan mati kecuali mati syahid".

On page 4, there is a set of questions for class discussion, including "Murid dan guru berbincang: Perkara yang menyebabkan mandi wajib".

My point here is that , if a Year 4 muslim child goes to school and he takes up Islamic Studies, the ustaz/ustazah would have discussed this in class. The child is already exposed to the liquid discharge that is normal to all human beings. In fact, the curious child will also discuss the different types of discharge(s) that a child/man/woman might experience because some of this must be cleansed through 'mandi wajib'.

I remember being taught about 'bersetubuh' but the depth of discussion is different at different level of education. By the time the child is in form 5 and form 6, the ustaz/ustazah will explain a lot more about marriage and 'akad nikah'.

If you are wondering why some muslims have problems with unwanted pregnancy...... my answer is that their ustaz/ustazah DO their duties of imparting knowledge but these people do not practise the teachings of Islam to prevent ZINA. So, it is not about the children are not taught how to use condom, but it is either they 'ponteng' on the day the ustaz/ustazah is teaching about 'bersetubuh' and 'the importance of abstaining from pre-marital sex' or they cannot contain their sexual desire (because to have sexual desire is normal).

But now I worry and wonder about the non-muslim children. When do they get to discuss the discharge, masturbation, sex (and cleansing after sex) at PRIMARY school level? Yes, the science subject may explain the body parts etc but does it educate the child about what to do with their body discharge? Does it teach the child that it is normal to have sexual desire? Does it teach the child that if a man claims that he DOES NOT FEEL ANYTHING (sexually) when he is seduced or lured by a girl/woman, then he is NOT A TRUE MAN ACTUALLY?

And when a man cannot contain his lust, he will find an outlet, in which the outlet or the rape victim could be an innocent baby / a school child / or any woman on the street who has nothing to do with the initial seduction. That is why a good man does not let himself be exposed to any material/ situation which can incite his sexual desire (which can become 'lust' if left unguarded).

No wonder some quarters are arguing that sex education should be taught in schools.....
But their scope of curriculum is 'the correct way of using condoms'......when actually it is better not to use it. What is it for? Unless for married couples who have to use it for medical reasons or because they have their own plans for their family.....

Let the child learn about what to do with their body first......they are curious!

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