Thursday, December 25, 2008

Clear and Focused

"If one does not know which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable".

Life is more meaningful when we can afford to achieve something new.

For example, getting our driving licence. Later, getting our first taste of driving on the main road...alone.

Oh, it's simply invigorating to be able to tell ourselves that we have achieved it!

After hours of sitting and heating my chair, I have to have some kind of a dream to spur my interest in reading and flipping through some paper. Yes, no doubt READING is my life and WRITING is my soul, but please my nerves are wrecking and I need a doctor to inject some kind words to my wounds...My hands are weary and my eyes are saying ,"Shall we call it a day?"

Nevertheless, I decide to write. Anyway, actually I'm in in high spirits now because I'm aware of my directions. I'd like to get my work done as soon as possible , as I wish to start my 2009 school work before the 5th of January.

Come on, let's check our directions!

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