Sunday, September 7, 2008

To Err Is Human, To Correct An Error Is Divine!

To understand this post better, you need to read the post below, first. They are somehow inter-related.

Soft skills are simply vital in this competitive world. It helps you to get the message across subtly, thus depicting a mature, noble attitude that simply charms the other person you are dealing with.

The end result? A desirable one, in fact, if it is well-rehearsed, you can :
- secure an important project,
- or get a raise from your boss,
- or win a customer's heart
- and better still, win the heart of that person you are courting.....he/she will have no doubts whatsoever about you...

But it takes awareness, practice, sincerity and a good intention...

My lackadaisical attitude towards applying soft skills
was thankfully changed gradually, through my experience in dealing with the 'right' people, through reading and through getting hurt myself by others' hurtful actions and unintentionally 'unpleasant' remarks.

Eg When a person has taken the trouble sending an item through e-mail, just reply to it by acknowledging his effort. Just write "Thank you"

If the message is somehow lost(?), (e-mails are like that) , and the sender asks you "Have you received our photos? ", just answer by saying "Oh, I haven't received it. But thank you, I appreciate your effort."

It's a good start, is it not?

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